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This is Greenie.



We like to think of her as the founder of Greenie's Garden! When we first started transforming our dirt backyard into a food forest, Greenie was as excited as we were to get started. She munches on garden-fresh veggies with us, digs holes for fruit trees with us, and enjoys the tranquility of being outside with us.


When we first moved into our home, the backyard was just a dirt lot covered in weeds. It was unbearably hot in the summer and we rarely went outside. It was such an unwelcoming sight that we kept our blinds shut whenever we had guests. We planted our first shade trees in the summer of 2015, our first fruit trees in the fall, and built our first garden beds in the winter. Since then, we have turned our yard into our own little vacation getaway (and farm!).


We have documented our journey along the way on our YouTube channel Greenie's Garden. We've met an amazing group of people in the gardening community and have made new lifelong friends. We quit our corporate jobs in February 2017 to follow our dreams of helping people grow their own food and create beautiful habitats for wildlife in their own backyards, while maintaining a hardworking and honest business ethic that we are proud of.


In 2018, we had the opportunity to partner with the Phoenix Children's Hospital and Kohl's to build our first school garden for underprivileged schools in Phoenix. As of 2022, we have installed eight school gardens with PCH, and have been honored to be a part of every one. We are so grateful to have built this partnership and look forward to helping more students learn to garden in the future.


Join our Green Army by planting something today!

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